Living Room
Recoil Performance Group -Living Room is the result of a process in Recoil Performance Group where we wanted to step back a little bit and look at what we did at Frost. The setup has many similarities, but it’s still a very different performance as a result of the years of work in-between. It’s a performance of an hour with 3 dancers on stage, and a video scenography that is evolving during the whole performance with help from the interaction of the dancers. Most of the video scenography is made of a polygon world that in the beginning of the performance is being generated, and slowly during the performance is being crumbled and manipulated by the dancers, transitioning from a static cold world into a mysterious dynamic world where the dancers are connected with the dynamic set design. My role was designing and implementing the video scenography and tracking.
The performance won the Reumert (the biggest theatre prize in Denmark) for best dance performance of the year. The performance went on tour in spring 2014 in Denmark.
“An emotional Knock Out of rare magic” ♥♥♥♥♥ Monna Dithmer, Politiken
“…captivating and exhilarating..” ✶✶✶✶✶✶ Madeleine Saunte, Kultunaut
“It is an incredibly successful interactive performance” ✶✶✶✶✶ Vibeke Wern, Berlingske
“Beyond the edge of physical and dance technical skill…. beyond all expectation. It is tremendous” Majbrit Hjelmsbo, Weekendavisen
“Tina Tarpgaards performance LIVING ROOM subjects the audience to marvelous imaginative dance in the wake of apocalypse” Anne Middelboe Christensen, Information
Source code: Github